Privacy Notice
Colegio Peterson, S.C. and Peterson Lomas Preparatoria, S.C. owners of the school that is commercially known as Colegios Peterson or Peterson Schools (henceforth referred to as the “School”), in fulfillment of the Federal Law to Protect Personal Data (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares) (henceforth known as the "Law") and other existing laws, places at your disposition our PRIVACY POLICY so you understand how the data you provide us with will be treated as well as the mechanisms via which you can exercise your rights to access, rectification, cancellation and opposition:
The personal data you provide to the “School” is used for distinct purposes in order to fulfill its commitment to promote basic and secondary education as well as to carry out diverse procedures and administrative controls, such as the registration, evaluation and education of a student, as well as to provide other services such as transportation, registration in athletic competitions, academic activities and competitions, educational field trips, food services, medical and psychological services, communication media, social media, yearbooks, and activities related with the Parents Association (PA) and ex alumni while maintaining the “School” properly protected in fulfillment of the law. The “School”, aware of technological development and the risks it involves, undertakes to implement and preserve the optimal and necessary security measures required to prevent, as far as possible, any risk that might affect your personal data. Equally, in an emergency, to immediately adopt the procedures needed for its solution.
For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, your personal data is collected in a variety of ways: when you directly provide you with information on filling out the admission, registration and re-registration forms and via other sources permitted by the "Law".
The "School" may treat personal data from students and parents or guardians, such as: name, date and place of birth, address, marital status, email, telephone, photograph, occupation, academic and behavioral, psychological, medical background, as well as financial information. The "School" informs you that, in order to comply with the purposes set forth in this notice, sensitive personal data will be collected and processed, such as those related to medical history, psychological, academic and behavioral, among other personal data, of the student and parents or tutors.
The "School" agrees that the aforementioned information will be treated with strictest security measures possible to ensure its confidentiality.
The holder of the personal data or his/her duly accredited legal representative may exercise the rights of access to your personal data and the details of the treatment thereof, ratification of inaccurate or incomplete data, cancellation when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes and options of any specific purpose. Likewise, you can revoke the consent that you have granted to the "School" for the processing of your personal data, in order to make use of them. The mechanisms that have been implemented for the exercise of said rights are through the presentation of the respective request in writing; the above will have to be done directly to the Address of the "School", at your address, or through the following form: ARCO rights.
The "School" records audios, videos and takes photographs of the different events that it carries out, some of which may be used for advertising or internal/external communication purposes in various media such as websites, social networks and newsletters. If you do not agree that your data or image of the student (s) or, failing that, those of their legal representative are used for these purposes, it is necessary to notify the School by filling out the Opt-Out Visual/Auditory Communication Request Form. If you do not carry out such notification, the "School" assumes that you have given your full consent. with the capture, reproduction or publication by any means of said images, in terms of what provided by articles 17 and 19 of the Civil Responsibility Law for the Protection of the Right to Life Private, Honor and Own Image in the Federal District (today Mexico City).
Likewise, the Parties agree, in accordance with the Federal Law for Personal Data Held by Private Individuals, The Mexican Law of Civic Responsibility for the Protection of the Right to Privacy, Honor and Self Image, and any and all similar dispositions in the different states of the Mexican Republic, that all photographs and audio and/or video recordings captured via electronic means that are property of THE SCHOOL for consultation must be requested through the corresponding administrative or judicial authority in order to protect the corresponding rights of Students, Parents, Educational Community, Providers, and/or any other parties and person related to THE SCHOOL.
The "School" reserves the right to make changes or updates to this PRIVACY POLICY, for the attention of new legislation or jurisprudence, policies internal, new requirements for the provision or offering of our services or products and market practices. All changes will be available in the “School” web page: Your admission to the “School” states your full acceptance of what is here established.
Colegio Peterson, S.C.
Peterson Lomas Preparatoria, S.C.
CAMPUS CUAJIMALPA: Huizachito No. 80, Col. Lomas de Vista Hermosa, Alcaldía de Cuajimalpa, C.P. 05720, CDMX
CAMPUS LOMAS: Monte Himalaya No.615, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Alcaldía de Miguel Hidalgo, C.P. 11000, CDMX
CAMPUS PEDREGAL: Rocío No. 142, Col. Jardines del Pedregal, Alcaldía de Álvaro Obregón, C.P. 01900, CDMX
CAMPUS PASEO: Paseo del Pedregal No. 1201, Col. Jardines del Pedregal, Alcaldía de Álvaro Obregón, C.P. 01900 CDMX