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Passion Based Classes

Beginning in the 2022-23 school year, 8th-grade students began to receive Passion Based Classes. According to Azucena Silis, supervisor for this new project, Passion Based classes are born of the idea of sharing Life Skills and applicable knowledge with our students through alternative classes given by our expert teachers who often have interests outside of the regular classes they teach.  
This idea is one part of our 2030 Strategic Plan to create more personalisation in learning where students exercise their own agency through choosing an elective subject that they are truly interested in, helping them hone their decision making skills and prepare them for a future where they will have to face more difficult choices. 

These teachers also consider that imparting knowledge about subjects they themselves are truly passionate about, whether they are in their own field of specialization or not, can communicate that same passion to their students.

The seven Passion Based Classes for Semestre 1 are:
  • Mathcounts

    Creación de música

    3D design & printing

    Liderazgo en adolescentes: habilidades y competencias

    The science of science fiction


Based on the current feedback from students who are enjoying these classes, the plan is to expand the offer of classes for the next school year making it available for all Middle School students.